100 Artists' Manifestos from the Futurists to the Stuckists

100 Artists' Manifestos from the Futurists to the Stuckists

19,25 €

In this remarkable collection of 100 manifestos from the last 100 years, Alex Danchev presents the contradictory and echoing spirits of such diverse movements as Vorticism, Feminism, Dogme, Surrealism, Communism and Cannibalism, taking in along the way cinema, architecture, fashion and cookery. Written by a wide range of artists including Wassily Kandinsky, Wyndham Lewis, Claes Oldenburg, Derek Jarman, Gilbert and George, Rem Koolhaas, Werner Herzog, Takashi Murakami and Billy Childish, the revolutionary spirit is clear in each manifesto, as they promote and critique every aspect of Art from fun and fearlessness to violence and freedom.

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03 Textos - Álvaro Siza

03 Textos - Álvaro Siza

12,90 €
Steps Towards a Small Theory of the Visible - John Berger

Steps Towards a Small Theory of the Visible - John Berger

9,50 €
Homo Spectator - Marie-José Mondzain

Homo Spectator - Marie-José Mondzain

16,00 €

Breve História da Sombra - Victor Stoichita

24,00 €
Teologia da Carne - A Pintura de António Gonçalves - Sousa Dias

Teologia da Carne - A Pintura de António Gonçalves - Sousa Dias

13,00 €