A Room of One's Own - Virginia Woolf

A Room of One's Own - Virginia Woolf

9,10 €

A Room of One's Own, based on a lecture given at Girton College, Cambridge, is one of the great feminist polemics, ranging in its themes from Jane Austen and Carlotte Bronte to the silent fate of Shakespeare's gifted (imaginary) sister and the effects of poverty and sexual constraint on female creativity.

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Breves Notas Sobre o Oriente - Gonçalo M. Tavares

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Outras Inquirições - Jorge Luis Borges

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Tao Te King - Lao Tse

Tao Te King - Lao Tse

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Fragmentos de um Discurso Amoroso - Roland Barthes

Fragmentos de um Discurso Amoroso - Roland Barthes

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Against Interpretation And Other Essays - Susan Sontag

Against Interpretation And Other Essays - Susan Sontag

19,00 €