The Tao Of Nature - Chuang Tzu

The Tao Of Nature - Chuang Tzu

8,50 €

Chuang Tzu examines the nature of existence in these dialogues and essays, from the battle to grasp the purpose of life to the search for knowledge. A collection of some of the most absorbing and charming philosophy ever written, THE TAO OF NATURE is also about perfection, perception, the value of skills and the truth revealed by complete understanding.

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Corpo e Imagem na Sociedade de Consumo - Maria João Cunha

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O Pequeno Caminho das Grandes Perguntas - José Tolentino Mendonça

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On Natural Selection - Charles Darwin

On Natural Selection - Charles Darwin

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Meditations - Marcus Aurelius

Meditations - Marcus Aurelius

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A Expulsão do Outro - Byung-Chul Han

A Expulsão do Outro - Byung-Chul Han

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