One Of Hundred Years Of Solitude - Gabriel García Márquez

One Of Hundred Years Of Solitude - Gabriel García Márquez

17,00 €

From the moment Melquiades the Gypsy walks into the jungle settlement of Macondo nothing is ever the same again. He brings to this protected Eden knowledge and the tools of discovery. This is a modern parable told without moralizing, its strength lying in its ability to make us laugh in sympathy.

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O Cantor de Gospel - Harry Crews

O Cantor de Gospel - Harry Crews

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Viragem aos Oitenta seguido de Viagem a Uma Terra Antiga - Henry Miller 4.jpg

Viragem aos Oitenta seguido de Viagem a Uma Terra Antiga - Henry Miller

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The Benefactor - Susan Sontag

The Benefactor - Susan Sontag

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Sunday's Children - Ingmar Bergman

Sunday's Children - Ingmar Bergman

13,00 €

As Cidades Invisíveis - Italo Calvino

15,51 €