Opened Ground - Seamus Heaney

Opened Ground - Seamus Heaney

17,10 €

A reissue of Heaney's "New Selected Poems 1966-1987", which has been expanded to include work from two subsequent collections, "Seeing Things" and the award-winning "The Spirit Level", as well as poems not previously published.

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A Poesia Como Arte Insurgente - Lawrence Ferlinghetti IMG_7128.JPG

A Poesia Como Arte Insurgente - Lawrence Ferlinghetti

15,00 €

The Waste Land - T. S. Eliot

13,50 €
Let Us Go Then, You and I - T. S. Eliot

Let Us Go Then, You and I - T. S. Eliot

12,00 €
Haverá Vida Antes da Morte? - Dinu Flămând

Haverá Vida Antes da Morte? - Dinu Flămând

16,00 €

Cem Poemas - Emily Dickinson

20,00 €