Styles Of Radical Will - Susan Sontag

Styles Of Radical Will - Susan Sontag

20,50 €

This collection of essays contains some of the most important pieces of criticism of the twentieth century, including the classics 'The Aesthetics of Silence', a brilliant account of language, thought and consciousness, and 'Trip to Hanoi', written during the Vietnam War. Here too is an excoriating account of America's identity and future, a robust and surprising discussion of pornography and other richly rewarding writings on art, film, literature and politics.

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Against Interpretation And Other Essays - Susan Sontag

Against Interpretation And Other Essays - Susan Sontag

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Under The Sign Of Saturn - Susan Sontag

Under The Sign Of Saturn - Susan Sontag

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Olhando o Sofrimento dos Outros - Susan Sontag

Olhando o Sofrimento dos Outros - Susan Sontag

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A Doença Como Metáfora; A Sida e as Suas Metáforas - Susan Sontag

A Doença Como Metáfora; A Sida e as Suas Metáforas - Susan Sontag

12,00 €