Visions of Gerard - Jack Kerouac

Visions of Gerard - Jack Kerouac

14,15 €

Based on Jack Kerouac's memories of the beloved older brother who died when he was a boy, it is unique among his novels for its dreamlike evocation of the sensations of childhood - its wisdom, anguish, intensity, innocence, joy and pain. It is a haunting exploration of the precariousness of existence.

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The Sea Is My Brother - Jack Kerouac

The Sea Is My Brother - Jack Kerouac

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Pic - Jack Kerouac

Pic - Jack Kerouac

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Lonesome Traveler - Jack Kerouac

Lonesome Traveler - Jack Kerouac

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Desolation Angels - Jack Kerouac

Desolation Angels - Jack Kerouac

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Big Sur - Jack Kerouac

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