The First Man - Albert Camus

The First Man - Albert Camus

16,00 €

Working on a manuscript version of this book before he died, Albert Camus provides a moving account of his poverty-stricken childhood in Algeria, the love of his silent mother and the remarkable figure of the old schoolteacher who saved him from ignorance.

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Viragem aos Oitenta seguido de Viagem a Uma Terra Antiga - Henry Miller

10,00 €
Giovanni's Room - James Baldwin

Giovanni's Room - James Baldwin

11,00 €
Orlando, Uma biografia - Virginia Woolf

Orlando, Uma biografia - Virginia Woolf

8,80 €
A Coisa à Volta do teu Pescoço - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

A Coisa à Volta do teu Pescoço - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

16,60 €
The Book of Disquiet - Fernando Pessoa

The Book of Disquiet - Fernando Pessoa

13,00 €