The Wife of Willesden - Zadie Smith

The Wife of Willesden - Zadie Smith

8,80 €

Presented in June 2021 folder. A riotous dramatic translation for a play of Geoffrey Chaucer's The Wife of Bath's Prologue, brought to glorious life on London's Kilburn High Road.

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A Paixão do Jardineiro; Neo, Três Painéis de Apocalipse - Jean-Pierre Sarrazac

A Paixão do Jardineiro; Neo, Três Painéis de Apocalipse - Jean-Pierre Sarrazac

15,00 €

Huis Clos and other Plays: "The Respectable Prostitute"; "Lucifer and the Lord"; "Huis Clos" - Jean-Paul Sartre

15,00 €

O Funeral de Neruda Cravos vermelhos para Pablo - Renzo Sicco e Luis Sepúlveda

14,00 €

Doubles, Demons, and Dreamers: An International Collection of Symbolist Drama

18,00 €
Romeu e Julieta - William Shakespeare

Romeu e Julieta - William Shakespeare

15,00 €