Ariel — Sylvia Plath

16,73 €

The poems in Plath's Ariel, including many of her best-known such as Lady Lazarus, Daddy, Edge and Paralytic, were all written between the publication in 1960 of her first book, The Colossus, and her death in 1963.

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The poems in Plath's Ariel, including many of her best-known such as Lady Lazarus, Daddy, Edge and Paralytic, were all written between the publication in 1960 of her first book, The Colossus, and her death in 1963.

The poems in Plath's Ariel, including many of her best-known such as Lady Lazarus, Daddy, Edge and Paralytic, were all written between the publication in 1960 of her first book, The Colossus, and her death in 1963.

Ariel — Sylvia Plath
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