Proofs And Theories — Louise Glück

18,25 €

A collection of essays in which the author writes of her own upbringing, her human and literary antecedents, and also dwells on lives and poems. The book includes writings on T.S. Eliot, George Oppen, Sylvia Plath, Robinson Jeffers, Wallace Stevens, and John Berryman.

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A collection of essays in which the author writes of her own upbringing, her human and literary antecedents, and also dwells on lives and poems. The book includes writings on T.S. Eliot, George Oppen, Sylvia Plath, Robinson Jeffers, Wallace Stevens, and John Berryman.

A collection of essays in which the author writes of her own upbringing, her human and literary antecedents, and also dwells on lives and poems. The book includes writings on T.S. Eliot, George Oppen, Sylvia Plath, Robinson Jeffers, Wallace Stevens, and John Berryman.

A Íris Selvagem — Louise Glück
18,00 €
Averno — Louise Glück
18,00 €
Noite Virtuosa e Fiel — Louise Glück
18,00 €
Uma Vida de Aldeia — Louise Glück
18,00 €
Poems 1962-2012 - Louise Glück
21,85 €