The Cherry Orchard - Anton Tchékhov

9,00 €

It is the turn of the 20th century and Russia is changing rapidly - the serfs have been emancipated, a new middle class is arising and the aristocracy is struggling to come to terms with their reduced role in society.

Charting a period of tumultuous change, Chekhov creates a cast of tangible and unforgettable characters whose destiny is both tragic and inevitable. A touching masterpiece, The Cherry Orchard was Chekhov's final play and perhaps his best.

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It is the turn of the 20th century and Russia is changing rapidly - the serfs have been emancipated, a new middle class is arising and the aristocracy is struggling to come to terms with their reduced role in society.

Charting a period of tumultuous change, Chekhov creates a cast of tangible and unforgettable characters whose destiny is both tragic and inevitable. A touching masterpiece, The Cherry Orchard was Chekhov's final play and perhaps his best.

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It is the turn of the 20th century and Russia is changing rapidly - the serfs have been emancipated, a new middle class is arising and the aristocracy is struggling to come to terms with their reduced role in society.

Charting a period of tumultuous change, Chekhov creates a cast of tangible and unforgettable characters whose destiny is both tragic and inevitable. A touching masterpiece, The Cherry Orchard was Chekhov's final play and perhaps his best.

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