Waiting For Godot A Tragicomedy In Two Acts -Samuel Beckett

12,86 €

'Nothing happens, nobody comes, nobody goes, it's awful.' This line was adopted by Jean Anouilh, to characterize the first production of "Waiting For Godot" at the Theatre de Babylone, in 1953. Anybody acquinted with Beckett's masterly black comedy would not question the recognition of this twentieth-century literature classic.

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'Nothing happens, nobody comes, nobody goes, it's awful.' This line was adopted by Jean Anouilh, to characterize the first production of "Waiting For Godot" at the Theatre de Babylone, in 1953. Anybody acquinted with Beckett's masterly black comedy would not question the recognition of this twentieth-century literature classic.

'Nothing happens, nobody comes, nobody goes, it's awful.' This line was adopted by Jean Anouilh, to characterize the first production of "Waiting For Godot" at the Theatre de Babylone, in 1953. Anybody acquinted with Beckett's masterly black comedy would not question the recognition of this twentieth-century literature classic.

Ah, Os Dias Felizes / Não Eu - Samuel Beckett
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First Love And Other Novellas - Samuel Beckett
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Complete Dramatic Works - Samuel Beckett
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Endgame - Samuel Beckett
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A Última Bobina; Eu Não; Cadeira de Embalar — Samuel Beckett
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