Elephant - André Príncipe

25,00 €

Elephant is a book of portraits done all over the world in the last twenty years combined with abstract light images and a Tibetan prayer for protection. Browsing its pages feels like going through intense airplane turbulence. The portraits manifest confusion, anxiety, a need to escape. An expression of the current incapacity to deal with our mortal condition. All this moving around, where will it lead to? We should expect more and more turbulence in the coming years. Man-made climate change has added chaos into weather patterns and made storms more violent.

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Elephant is a book of portraits done all over the world in the last twenty years combined with abstract light images and a Tibetan prayer for protection. Browsing its pages feels like going through intense airplane turbulence. The portraits manifest confusion, anxiety, a need to escape. An expression of the current incapacity to deal with our mortal condition. All this moving around, where will it lead to? We should expect more and more turbulence in the coming years. Man-made climate change has added chaos into weather patterns and made storms more violent.

Elephant is a book of portraits done all over the world in the last twenty years combined with abstract light images and a Tibetan prayer for protection. Browsing its pages feels like going through intense airplane turbulence. The portraits manifest confusion, anxiety, a need to escape. An expression of the current incapacity to deal with our mortal condition. All this moving around, where will it lead to? We should expect more and more turbulence in the coming years. Man-made climate change has added chaos into weather patterns and made storms more violent.

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Against the Day - António Júlio Duarte
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Non-fiction - André Príncipe
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