How Music Works - David Byrne

25,10 €

Updated with new insights from the incomparable David Byrne, this is an illuminative look inside the formative elements of music from the Talking Heads musician, filmmaker, and author. Told with a delightfully informed voice and a wise perspective, How Music Works is both a pop-culture touchstone and a highly entertaining look at a deeply human, universally uniting art form. It is Byrne’s magnum opus and an impassioned argument about music’s liberating, life-affirming power spanning cultures, countries, and the globe.

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Updated with new insights from the incomparable David Byrne, this is an illuminative look inside the formative elements of music from the Talking Heads musician, filmmaker, and author. Told with a delightfully informed voice and a wise perspective, How Music Works is both a pop-culture touchstone and a highly entertaining look at a deeply human, universally uniting art form. It is Byrne’s magnum opus and an impassioned argument about music’s liberating, life-affirming power spanning cultures, countries, and the globe.

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Updated with new insights from the incomparable David Byrne, this is an illuminative look inside the formative elements of music from the Talking Heads musician, filmmaker, and author. Told with a delightfully informed voice and a wise perspective, How Music Works is both a pop-culture touchstone and a highly entertaining look at a deeply human, universally uniting art form. It is Byrne’s magnum opus and an impassioned argument about music’s liberating, life-affirming power spanning cultures, countries, and the globe.

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